Saturday 18 January 2020


Thursday, January 16

The welsh for Brown Hare is a mouthful !
Having spent longer at Cley Centre chatting than was advisable, (enjoyable as always), we paid a quick visit to Cley Beach before driving to Salthouse Beach. I noticed a large male hare galloping towards the road. It stopped and hunkered down not too far away. Unusually, it wasn't spooked by Pam slowly inching up so that I could have an unimpeded view through my side window.
Apart from when it was buzzed by an incoming Rook, 

it settled down to eat, ears tucked away, belly flat on the ground. 

The bombing Rook

I have seldom been able to view a Brown Hare's large, beautiful eyes and long whiskers so closely.

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful! No wonder the Hare was so important to the Celts..
