Thursday 16 February 2012

Why weren't we at Lyndford?

Thursday February 16
Because Pam had a physio appointment.........
Instead, a mid-day trip to Barton Broad. The board-walk woods only held Wren and Blue Tit on the way to the end platform, unusually quiet. Settling to scope the distant flock of birds, the water birds are always distant here, I scanned slowly through the churning mass of diving Tufted Ducks Pochard and Coot, The latter waiting to scavenge anything dropped.
Actual view, true size, from the platform. An excuse for later photos....?

Distant dots - the flock of birds

A few Great Crested Grebe slept, gently bobbing, around the fringes.
Imprisoned by my scope viewing, I failed to see the Bittern Pam saw flying across the far reed-bed - she was pointing at it !
On the return scope-sweep of the flock, a female Scaup bobbed up to the surface and, just as rapidly, dived again. Trying to get Pam onto the bird, without any visible landmarks to help, an additional pair of Scaup showed.
A female Smew flew in and then off again.
At least 30 Goldeneye kept to themselves much further left, associating with Cormorants, Gulls and the myriad  Coot always present on Barton.
Time to experiment with my Powershot manually held to the lens of my Swarovski 82 scope.......

Part of the main flock

I had no idea what I was taking, I just scanned the scope whilst clicking. Luckily, I caught a female Scaup.

A pair of photogenic Mute Swans glided majestically towards us, hoping for food, must bring some next time. Just the camera this time.

The display photo was taken through my scope again. Always reminds me of a Welsh poem from my childhood.

Dyna Alarch ar y llyn,  yn ei gwch o sidan gwyn.                       
There's a swan on the lake, in his boat of white satin.

That's all I remember, I must Google it - and the spelling too. Will edit if I find it......(It's correct)
The return walk was much more productive, a small flock of Siskin and at least 3 Redpoll  feeding on the Alders near the car park. Still no Cetti's Warbler heard nor seen, usually ever present here. Such a lovely day too. Temperature a pleasant mid teens, hardly any wind and welcome sunshine. Ideal for Lyndford and Hawfinch watching, it's often very cold there standing and waiting. Can't go to-morrow either and the cold weather is due to return this weekend, predicted to last until the end of the month. We'll see.

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