Friday 11 October 2019

To Pallington

Friday October 11

Packing the car in heavy rain is not much fun.We got Adrian (gardener) to do it ! It wasn't on his list of jobs, he'll have two Fridays without supervision. He still needs guidance but is very willing and a quick learner.The list Pam left for him, therefore,  is pretty basic. Any more would be unfair. The first job - after carrying out our luggage and packing the car - was to destroy an ancient laptop. He thought we were joking. I was looking forward to doing it myself.
We left home at 10.30 when the SatNav came up with a warning that the Acle/Cringleford road was closed. That meant driving through Norwich City Centre. In heavy rain. This soon stopped and we had dry roads until the M25 and M3. We then had traffic warnings of 10 Km  tailbacks on three different occasions before arriving at Cedar Lodge, Pallington, about five miles from Wareham, at  5.20. So pleased that we live in Norfolk after that traffic !
First impressions of our cottage - and the later ones - were very positive. Clean, airy, very nicely furnished with all the fittings one could wish for. (never end a sentence with a preposition).
Settling in, three big horses went by, via the lane to the farm up the road. One of the men was the owner, who popped in to make sure all was well. It's possible to book a cart ride around the area but I don't think I could mount the cart ! 
Investigating further, we found a freshly made loaf, a home made Swiss Roll and a pint of milk. Lovely. We'd stopped at an M and S on the M3 to buy to-night's supplies, before shopping in Wareham Sainsbury's to-morrow. The forecast is rain all day..........
To my disappointment, it was decided not to put a moth trap out to-night. It's windy and wet and an extension lead needed to be threaded through a fanlight, after finding a suitable socket. The patio is the most sheltered so the lead would have stretched across the front door.
We'll probably recce Portland Obs to-morrow despite the rain.
Watching England play to-night is like watching Man U. No ideas, no thrust, full of mis-placed passes. 1-1 at the moment.
Early night I reckon.

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