Saturday 20 June 2020


Moth Quiz 26

Walking bare-legged, especially at night, through this could lead to an A and E visit.
Dark Swordgrass 

Moth Quiz 27

 Embarrassed, when opening the Manorhouse door to a nudist.

Saturday, June 20 

As Pam was collecting the moth traps this morning, she noticed an unknown Micro on the sheet behind the Robinson MV trap.. An unmistakeable Sclerecona acutellus, pictured in Manley, but only written about in Sterling and Parsons.

Norfolk status
Suspected rare immigrant and adventive species originating from reeds imported from central Europe.

First UK record in Hampshire 1988, with a number of records subsequently taken in the UK, many of which have been in close proximity to newly-thatched cottages.

First Norfolk record in July 2012, trapped in a garden at Walcott (M. A'Cou
rt, 04/07/12)
Norfolk Moths website 

A newly converted barn, 200 metres away has just been thatched. A second for Norfolk, which is pleasing.
As we are still, largely, isolating, we have only informed those on our local WhatsApp group, leaving the moth in a cold bag in the front porch. Not everyone is interested in micro-moths.

Whilst at Cley Centre car park earlier in the week, we noticed this magnificent example of Sea Kale in full bloom.

 The new pond pump and hose have been delivered. That should get rid of the green slime the sunlight has helped produce on the pond surface. It will be good to see the waterfall in the rockery and the spouting frog at the edge of the pond, working again. Adrian will see to that next week.
The old pump has been left at the side and, during a brief visit from a dragonfly on Thursday, it perched on the top. We were sorting moths at the time so I took a quick photo from the sun lounge when I couldn't even see where it was. Wrong glasses. When I sorted the photos, I found this.

I am not good enough to identify the species from this angle. I will message a friend and hope he can help.


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