Sunday 5 April 2020

Garden Update, Leps and Flowers

Sunday, April 5

Adrian finished screwing the bird table together, it was really hard work and I gave up.
It's very white.

In addition to the Comma and Peacocks seen earlier, we had Small White, Large White and our first Brimstone in the garden yesterday. The first male Brimstone is a harbinger of spring for me and gladdens the heart. 
The cold nights have meant few moths in the trap. We had our first Engrailed yesterday (awful tube pic, it was so flighty) 

another Brindled Pug, two March Tubic (Diurnea fagella) and an Early Thorn. 

The latter is the only UK thorn to hold its wings closed like a butterfly.
There was also a very active beetle that Pam has been unable to identify - so far. They are difficult. 

The parking area at Walcott has been cordoned off - as we discovered when we had to make a visit to the Post Office to post something for a friend in need. I managed a photo of a Buzzard, circling on a thermal, as we drove the back lane and a Turnstone on the sea wall. 

The Post Office, which is in a small Spar shop, has a strict one in one out policy and the statutory queuing distance apart. Pam wore plastic gloves and then used wipes when she returned. My surgery visits are probably more dangerous.
I'm thinking of borrowing next door's Border Terrier to make the car look valid. Not really.

On the way home.....
Could be - or have some genes from - Scottish Blackface.

I posted a photo of a few Erythronium flowers a few days ago. This is what the clump looks like to-day.

One of my Gentian troughs took a beating in last year's dry spell. Starting to look better, still not back to their alpine splendour. This an Autumn flowering variety which seems to be almost year round.


  1. Wow! Love the Gentians...
    I used to visit Stokenchurch a lot (until Ma-in-Law moved!) and grew very fond of the Chiltern Gentians there.
