Sunday 26 April 2020

Minor Escapade

Moth Clue 3: George Fox with make-up
Answer: Powdered Quaker 

Sunday, April 26 

I've recently finished sharpening: 5 pairs of secateurs (don't ask), 1 edging shears, 1 long-handled loppers, and a billhook, using a welsh slate whetstone and oil. I don't really know what I'm doing as I'm self-taught but it seems to work. I once had a gardener laugh when I started and then nod at me when he used the newly sharpened edging shears.
I ended with black oily hands and a right arm which is having difficulty lifting my cup of tea. The whole of the time that I sat outside under the umbrella, an Orange-tip fluttered about, never stopping. How do all those people on Facebook get them to pose long enough for a photo? As for the tiny Holly Blue!
I've missed the House Martins prospecting the eaves of the house opposite again this morning. In such a dry April, we're preparing a tray of wet garden soil for them to use as nesting material. Its positioning is a bit of a problem as we want to view it and make it both viable and safe for the birds to use.
The Black-cap is singing again.
After Adrian's work on Friday, this is what the alpine bed looks like to-day.

 I asked him to take all the rocks off as weeds had embedded themselves under and around them. In the case of the limestone holey one, they'd grown through.

My new plants have arrived and will be tended in situ until the bed is ready for them. Exciting.

We had a short local ride on Friday afternoon, adding a heard only Common Whitethroat to the year list and trying to photograph a hunting male Marsh Harrier. BPW. Better photos wanted.

We had this Diptera sp in the trap on Friday but haven't managed to identify it yet. 

Yesterday, we added a new micro for the year, Acleris literana (Lichen Button) and a Shuttle-shaped Dart, also NFY.

This morning we had the appalling total of 11 moths of 8 species in three traps. One NFY, Angle Shades. which was very camera shy and escaped.
 I've also planted the two cucumber plants in the lean-to greenhouse. The white powder around the base is the only non-organic garden material I use. It's a wood louse killer. Without it, the stems are eaten through.

Pam's flower plants look really good and my latest veggie ones are trying their best.

Moth Quiz 4

In like a lion, out like a lamb

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